Our society has difficulty producing and utilizing effective healing methods, thriving strategies, and habits & rituals of well-being from preconception to end of life.
Contrast is not only inevitable but acceptable & necessary.
But what do we do when we experience this contrast? This is a very complicated question I have been, and will be further, exploring.
This is not a substitute for your doctor(s) or other health recommendations.
I (like your health practitioners) do not have all of the answers or solutions.
I AM here to announce alternative potentials for health management.
Healing cannot be manufactured with a drug & you will never, ever find a cure.
In my line of work as an Occupational Therapist, we have a toolkit -
A temple cannot be built with a smudged blueprint and a butter knife.
We are the contractors: jack of all trades... master of none.
We have learned how to discover and communicate with the masters.
I am here to be blunt: Your situation is not special; you are unique, supported, and validated.
I am here to provide: Perspective & alternative potential for you to explore with me.
I am here to empower: THUNDER, PERFECT.