Healing Decoded


The Framework for Metaphysical Integration

I know exactly how you feel - stressed, ill, confused, overwhelmed, powerless, scared, defeated, and ignorant about a mystery diagnosis; like a victim to your symptoms, inadequate conventional medicine, and to the doom of the world that seems to exacerbate your gnawing health crisis. But mostly, a victim to yourself - your own body that for some reason is attacking itself. 

After a decade in the health and wellness field and 5 years as an occupational therapist, I have learned that disease development and healing is a holistic process - and a timely one at that! It takes years for chronic illness to develop, and I was guilty for believing it would be a quick fix in the all-knowing, conventional medical world.
Here is your validation. 

I’m sure you have come to find how expensive and ineffective medications are in addition to realizing most conventional doctors are stabbing in the dark. These interventions may be a vital necessity and 100% appropriate. However, if you’re anything like me (which I’m guessing you are considering you’ve landed on this page!) you’ve found drugs and surgery to be insufficient. A band-aid approach. You’re looking for a root cause to heal.
Not just to survive, but to thrive. 

I decided to take matters into my own hands, and I welcome you to join me. 

After several years of investigation, I have decided to organize my personal protocol that allowed my freedom from autoimmune disease, and that protocol is Metaphysical Integration

Now is your time to bring this chaos to order. 

To transform from damsel in distress to empowered goddess. 

The physical, vibrational, and temporal aspects are just a piece of this pie. 

The psychological, metaphysical, and nonphysical aspects are just as important to address,

and I would argue a larger portion to be reconciled. 

Here’s the thing - any physical or nonphysical imbalance in our lives has a 

direct consequence on our health, and therefore, our well-being.

This is largely the
meaning and purpose behind Thunder Perfect. To unite and integrate all opposites. To radiate the power of Source-God in all human aspects containing everything, both light and dark and even unexpected forms. A thunder that allows our power to heal, transform, create and be whatever that is at our forethought of desire; and that contrast such as dis-ease may lead us to our desires. But also, one cannot exist without the other. A place of dwelling within mystery and sensing of perfect intellect. 

Metaphysical Integration is broken down into 2 parts: 

Physical & Metaphysical.

  • The physical components to healing are the bulk of what you may be seeing advertised at every glance. This includes the importance of nutrition and exercise; as well as encompasses all physical imbalances associated with dis-ease including pain, movement, positioning, symptoms, movement, etc. as well as chemical imbalances including nourishment, inflammation, microbiome/gut health, toxins, hormones, medications, infection, molds, heavy metals, etc. 
  • The metaphysical components are extremely neglected in our society, and as I have found to be the missing link in the health and healing process. [Metaphysical meaning “beyond” the physical.]  Metaphysical healing refers to the interaction between our physical and nonphysical counterparts; their symbiotic connections on an energetic level serve as a conduit described as the “Mind-Body-Spirit.” These nonphysical, energetic components include emotions, thoughts, feelings, awareness, consciousness, intuition, spirit, intention, purpose, passion, and personal power

When considering the balance of physical and nonphysical health and well-being, it is likely that if one aspect is imbalanced, then they all are as they all impact each other.
This is why it is so vital to take an integrated, holistic approach to health and healing. Diet and exercise will not get it done alone. 

For instance, let’s consider all of the possible causes of back pain: physical trauma, poor movement patterns while exercising, sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week, high inflammatory diet, under/overactive bowels resulting from gut disruption caused by antibiotics, mold over-exposure in your home or office and/or heavy metal toxicity in your cavity fillings ramping up your immune system initiating arthritis symptoms; or financial worries, fear of instability, relationship discord and/or chronic elevated stress affecting your hormone balance, physical tension, posture and positioning, and psychosomatic responses to cope and continue suppression of uncomfortable, negative experiences to wake up and do is all again tomorrow. 

WOW. Where do you even begin with all of that?

Begin with Metaphysical Integration

to realign, balance, and integrate all of the facets of health. As an occupational therapist, I can help you decode all of the messages your body is signaling. 

However, here is your warning...the invisible causes of an invisible illness will most likely be the hardest but most impactful intervention approach. 

What do I mean by invisible illness?
Basically, anything your average person wouldn’t notice upon encountering you. As opposed to someone getting out of their car into a wheelchair in a handicap parking spot with a casted leg, this is someone terrified of being judged for using a handicap spot or motorized cart, because they know they appear to be healthy; however, they know they will be unable to tolerate loading their groceries into their car and drive home to unload after fatigue of walking into the store from across the lot; grocery shopping for her family but is too proud to ask for help, too committed to say, “no,” and too pressured to contribute to the family and community at large. 

Invisible illness has symptoms that no one else may know about except for you,

 which makes it difficult to be understood and hard to have healthy boundaries

...which could also be part of the cause! 

Maybe you’re like me with “milder” symptoms, yet so irritating, uncomfortable, inconvenient, and embarrassing! That feeling of being so average in general, with symptoms you feel bad complaining about because you know there are others with severe or even traumatic symptoms and illnesses. No one would ever know the anxiety I was experiencing before a long car ride hoping there would always be an exit or rest stop; or before a test thinking, “is this the one I will fail?” due to incontinence urgency and frequency. Functioning with lack of sleep due to incontinence disruptions 10 times in the middle of the night. And if you’re anything like I was, I practically introduced myself with my diagnosis, “Hi! I’m Ashton, and I have interstitial cystitis. My sober pee urgency and frequency is like your drunk, broken-seal pee urgency and frequency!”

Think about the autoimmune and chronic diseases with symptoms including 

pain and discomfort, easily fatigued, medication side effects, mental health, and 

daily planning around symptoms. 

Metaphysical Integration
utilizes the concepts of quantum physics, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, metaphysics, bioenergetics, and neuroscience in bridging the gap between these physical and nonphysical causes of dis-ease and illness to decrease symptoms, increase well-being and personal power, increase energy, and cultivate clear thinking, relief, and alignment with the highest self.

We decode your physical symptoms and attributes of dis-ease to implement a lifestyle detox, and re-trace these attributes through the energetic conduit to find imbalance and realignment using the power of the mind, your emotional guidance system, and directed consciousness.

  1. Within the physical category of health and healing, I coach you through a lifestyle that will facilitate a healing environment by reducing total physical stress and toxicity for optimal functioning.
  2. Symptom relief
  3. Food as medicine
  4. Movement as medicine
  5. Environmental Toxicity
  6. Epigenetics

  7. Within the metaphysical category of health and healing, I formulate a 3 phase intervention technique. 
  8. It starts with trouble shooting trauma and symptoms
  9. Then, phases into rebooting personal power
  10. The last phase encompasses routine operations and updates to continue the integration throughout life, because life is not linear.

(Most of the initial work is done within these 2 phases.

There will always be triggers and lessons to learn.)

  • Are you living in a state of filtered fear?
  • What invisible illness are you unable to escape? 
  • Are you dominant in your physical approaches to health? 
  • Are you approaching a dead end with conventional medicine?
  • Are you dis-satisfied with the limitations and symptom-hiding interventions?
  • Are you searching for a complementary approach to supplement your doctor’s conventional approach?
  • Tired of searching for the missing link to complete your healing?



Personal Power

Quantum Physics


Spirit Science

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