Metaphysical Attributions to Invisible Illness

Metaphysical Attributions


Health and wellness culture can be overwhelming to say the least. 

The healing space can be intense and intimidating, yet very profound. 

It is no wonder so many people resort to a quick fix with medications and surgery. After working in nursing homes for the past 5 years, my observations conclude with heavy payment in the long run for these quick fixes. The underlying matter will always be there behind the veil of drugs, and surgery usually evolves into the same recovery pattern as without it in addition to increased risk of various complications and other symptoms and obstacles. 

Metaphysical Integration is broken down into 2 parts: 

Physical & Metaphysical.

We are ALL affected by trauma, whether you want to consider it a micro or macro trauma is up to you; nevertheless, this is when negative reactions, behaviors, and thought patterns imprint a habitual perpendicular experience with our life. And, it very may well be periodically triggered to re-learn the lesson. 

Typically, we all experience every emotion and feeling by age 7 - even going back as far as preconception, and this also includes secondary traumas as well as ancestral inherited experiences. Unresolved trauma is where biological change takes place. Diseases & illness are a way to get your attention when you are neglecting these non-physical counterparts. ⁠

At some point in our lives we ignore, suppress, misdirect, and/or deny negative emotions to cope or survive distressing situations. Chronic mismanagement of emotions can lead to illness and physical implications. 

Until this is addressed, no matter how many doctors or health professionals you see, no amount of surgery, and all the medications in the world will never "fix" you.
It is all a temporary facade that will continue unless these evolved habits are corrected. ⁠Furthermore, completing the trauma properly will discharge any retained energy in the autonomic nervous system. 

We are energy.

Emotions are energy in motion.

Positive emotions result from balanced, higher vibrations.

Negative emotions result from imbalanced, lower vibrations. 

When we come to an understanding of our bodies on an energetic level, we bring awareness to the fact that
dis-ease is a low energetic frequency. When we choose elevated states of emotions with empowering thoughts and reframed beliefs, we are able to organize our energy to organize our matter to be more invincible

Unleash your personal power and awaken your inner healer.

Metaphysical Integration is my personal protocol that facilitates

 freedom from autoimmune disease.

metaphysical components are extremely neglected in our society, and as I have found to be the missing link in the health and healing process. Metaphysical meaning “beyond” the physical. Metaphysical healing refers to the interaction between our physical and nonphysical counterparts; their symbiotic connections on an energetic level serve as a conduit described as the “Mind-Body-Spirit.” These nonphysical, energetic components include emotions, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, awareness, consciousness, intuition, spirit, intention, purpose, passion, and personal power

Invisible illness has symptoms that no one else may know about except for you,

 which makes it difficult to be understood and hard to have healthy boundaries

...which could also be part of the cause! 

Think about the autoimmune and chronic diseases with symptoms including 

pain and discomfort, easily fatigued, medication side effects, mental health, and 

daily planning around symptoms. 

Metaphysical Integration
utilizes the concepts of quantum physics, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, metaphysics, bioenergetics, and neuroscience in bridging the gap between these physical and nonphysical causes of dis-ease and illness to decrease symptoms, increase well-being and personal power, increase energy, and cultivate clear thinking, relief, and alignment with the highest self.

Use this tool to decode your physical symptoms and attributes of dis-ease to implement a lifestyle detox, and re-trace these attributes through the energetic conduit to find imbalance and realignment using the power of the mind, your emotional guidance system, and directed consciousness.

Physical Symptoms: Pain, discomfort, irritation, fatigue, weakness, sensitivity; 

location ie. joint, bone, muscle, organ; 

biological system ie. nervous, cardiovascular, immune, digestive system, etc.

Descriptions: sharp, intense, muscle tension, lack of energy, limited mobility, pressure, aching, squeezing, cramping, gnawing, burning, freezing, numbness, tingling, shooting, stabbing, electric shocks, sharp, dull, heavy, tender, restless

Non-Physical Symptoms: cognition, stress, mental health decline, anxiety, depression, confusion, brain fog, mood swings, low energy, excessive fear 

  • When did it start
  • How long does it last
  • What does it feel like
  • Where do you feel it
  • Scale the symptom: 0-10, 0 being no symptom and 10 being the worst
  • What triggered the symptom
  • What makes it better
  • Close your eyes, what does it look like in your mind’s eye ie. color, movement, etc.

3 phase intervention technique within the metaphysical category of health and healing:

1.It starts with trouble shooting trauma and symptoms

2. Then, phases into rebooting personal power

  • Most of the initial work is done within these 2 phases. 

3. The last phase encompasses routine operations and updates to continue the integration throughout life, because life is not linear. 

  • There will always be triggers and lessons to learn.

Decoding symptoms is hard and painful but so worth it compared to reliving the emotional pain in the physical body as well as non-physically, allowing these tragic thought patterns to live out in our behaviors, making our decisions and tainting our Heaven on Earth.

Now is your time to bring this chaos to order. 

To transform from damsel in distress to empowered goddess. 



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